CIVA TALKS & TOURS — Martí Franch Batllori : Girona’s Shores

Op welke manier ontwerpen landschapsarchitecten de landschappen van de toekomst? Op welke uitdagingen moeten ze een antwoord bieden? In het kader van de tentoonstelling Designed Landscapes organiseert CIVA samen met de Leerstoel landschapsarchitectuur van de Architectuurfaculteit La Cambre Horta (ULB) drie evenementen om hier dieper op in te gaan. Een eerste lezing onderzoekt hoe we de notie van een tuin kunnen heruitvinden (Thilo Folkerts, Berlijn). Tijdens een tweede talk wordt dieper ingegaan op creativiteit in het beheer van parken (Marti Franch, Girone). Tijdens een derde evenement tenslotte wordt een tiental Brusselse ontwerpers uitgenodigd om te debatteren over de toekomst van de Brusselse landschappen.

donderdag, 14 maart, 2019
CIVA, Kluisstraat 55, 1050 Brussel

— Lezing Marti Franch Batllori: 5 €
— Expo Designed Landscapes (uitzonderlijk open tot 20u) + lezing Marti Franch Batllori : volwassenen 10 € / studenten en senioren 5 € / museumpass: gratis
— Bij aankoop van je toegangsticket voor de tentoonstelling kan je genieten van een gratis gidsbeurt door de expo om 18u.

Leerstoel landschapsarchitectuur Architectuurfaculteit La Cambre Horta, ULB

Girona’s Shores

‘Girona’s Shores’, an ongoing effort to reclaim and develop a multifunctional green infrastructure at the town’s edges. Produced over a period of four years, this large-scale infrastructural project emerged not from previ­ous public demand or funding, but from the knowledge gained through a number of small-scale, bold interventions on site: the pilot projects and their palpable results. The pilot projects acted as ‘sketches’, as a way of testing ideas by drawing on the site itself through removing and adjusting vegetation. This created different kinds of spaces with different potentials for human occupation and ecological biodiversity. The careful, immediate engagement with the topography and plants of Girona’s edges on these small sites became the points of departure for the development of an extensive green infrastructure plan. The project accentuates a ‘differentiated’ management, developed by designing and drawing directly on the site. The strategy is based on frugality, on recurring ac­tions and successive observations and adjustments to management regimes. The de­sign process for Girona is open and does not rely on a conventional process where conception and construction are separated. Rather, it is highly site-specific, intermin­gling design, construction, and management. It gives the design process immediacy; adjustments are made in the moment. Temporal specificity - when interventions hap­pen - is a tactic that complements spatial specificity - where interventions happen.


Martí Franch Batllori

Landscape Architect at the University of Greenwich and Horticulturalist at ESAB in Barcelona. He is the founder & principal of ‘EMF landscape architecture’. EMF is an interdisciplinary practice of independent experts in the field of urban and environmental design, exercising internationally. ‘EMF’ was settled in 1999 after professional and academic training in London, Amsterdam and Berlin. Ever since, Franch explores hybrid ways between ecological systems & cultural constructs to inform projects and build up new realities. His work has been internationally published and awarded with a LILA landezine international landscape award 2016, ASLA American Society of Landscape Architects Honor Award 2012, European Landscape Biennal - Rosa Barba Prize 2012, as well as selected finalist in FAD 2012, Rosa Barba Prize 2010, CCCB European Prize of Public Space 2012 among others.