Nature à Jette is a group of the Jette en Transition movement, the Jette branch of the Transition Network, born in early 2017. NAJ has taken over the management of an educational orchard with species selected by the Pépinières d'Enghien for their indigenous character. Apple trees, pear trees, plum trees, and other fruit trees of all kinds adorn this peaceful place.

Tickets (click here)
CIVA's tip:
Don't hesitate to combine this visit of the transition orchard with one of FleurAkker, just a short walk away.
The orchard is adjacent to other sites and projects of great interest with which it actively collaborates: the Ferme didactique pour Enfants, the site of the communal Master Composter, and the Jardin d'Abeilles, a beekeeping training centre. The whole area is ideal for walks with family and friends.