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TALKS: Real Life Brussels (Fully booked)

BMA, KU Leuven and CIVA put the transformation of social housing built in the XXth century on the agenda. In the coming months, a series of debates with commissioners, architects and other actors from the field will tackle the challenges linked to renovation: changing buildings, changing contexts, changing tempo.

Existing social housing buildings are at a tipping point: the life cycle of various materials is coming to an end, the integration of housing into the urban fabric needs to be reviewed, the habitability and functionality of the buildings, but also the involvement of residents deserve a broader reflection. All this through an accelerated but thoughtful approach.

On 23 June, Archipelago, OFFICEU, Karbon and Ceraa asbl will focus on the building-specific and technical challenges of renovation.

Thursday, June 23, 2022
18:30 - 20:00
363 Rue Haute, 1000 Bruxelles


Transforming buildings of the recent past implies taking position. They are unexpected architectural opportunities and force us to address challenging realities. Markedly in the social housing sector, they were built in a momentum of optimism and generosity departing from a kind of Tabula Rasa. Today, the economy of means in considering the Tabula Scripta is becoming the rule, be it in terms of budget, environment or human context. The constructive reality of these buildings poses new technical, normative, typological and spatial questions. The love-hate relation to this young heritage is slowly shifting too: not yet considered as monuments, there is a real margin of negotiation between their simplistic replacement and their identical preservation. 

23.06.22 I 18.30 - 20:00
Rue Haute 363, 1000 Brussels (day care centre, 13th floor)
Host: Harold Fallon (KU Leuven – AGWA)
Guests: Sébastien Jamar, Silvia Pusceddu (Archipelago - OFFICEU) – Alessandro Pontara (Karbon) – Liesbet Temmerman (Ceraa - Lakense Haard)
Cases: Rue Haute – Goujons

Info and tickets