A Party at the Villa!

Join us as we showcase Art Nouveau and Art Deco architecture through the world of comics. Have you ever designed a theatre? Imagined a puppet? Listened to swing or ragtime, taken a trip to the Cotton Club, danced the Charleston like Joséphine Baker?
The Roaring Twenties, Art Deco, creativity, swing, ragtime, Charleston and Gershwin are all on the programme for this extraordinary workshop!
I'll be swept away by the frenzied rhythm and carried away by the vibrant atmosphere. The Villa Empain is a party!
Christophe Poot, draftsman and teacher of live drawing, I live and work in Brussels. My whole life is about the book, from its making (paper, layout, typography and graphics) to its graphic and narrative elaboration. My few books are inspired by drawing, literature, music and nature.
Your financial means should not be an obstacle to accessing workshops. Various solutions are available, please contact us at public@civa.brussels